Moving away from legacy IPTV technology and embracing OTT Video ABR streaming media technology #3


  • Android TV, Play Store, Set-top-box, Super Aggregator, TCO;
  • ABR, mABR, HLS, DASH, CMAF, DRM, CDN, Latency, CMCD, VMAF, Deep Caching, Open Caching, MEC;
  • DAI, CSAI, SSAI, Stream Stitching, Ad Inventory, CTV;
  • Hybrid Delivery, DVB-I, Operator App, Multiscreen, AI, EPG/Start-over/Catch-up.

VMAF can be used to evaluate the quality of encoding settings or transmission variants, helping decide on applying optimization while preserving the VMAF score (i.e., the perceived video quality). Video Multimethod Assessment Fusion (VMAF), by Netflix and a couple of universities in the USA and France who received an Emmy Award for recognition of the work, is an objective video quality metric.