What do Android TV and ABR streaming media bring to operators? #3


  • Android TV, Play Store, Set-top-box, Super Aggregator, TCO;
  • ABR, mABR, HLS, DASH, CMAF, DRM, CDN, Latency, CMCD, VMAF, Deep Caching, Open Caching, MEC;
  • DAI, CSAI, SSAI, Stream Stitching, Ad Inventory, CTV;
  • Hybrid Delivery, DVB-I, Operator App, Multiscreen, AI, EPG/Start-over/Catch-up.

ABR streaming media uses the universal HTTPS protocol, and is delivered using ubiquitous components (HTTPS web servers) deployed and managed on either the telco CDN for on-net delivery or a public CDN for off-net. The most used ABR packaging formats are HLS (by Apple and IETF) and DASH (by MPEG and DASH Industry Forum). CMAF (by CMAF Industry Forum) is a newer format unifying media delivery while keeping lightweight playlist manifests files in both HLS and DASH formats, saving resources and costs across packaging, storage, and delivery. CMAF is not yet broadly supported by devices. These packaging formats now have an optional Low Latency mode (LL-HLS, LL-DASH) that’s especially relevant for live sport events, providing broadcast-level latency or even better while preserving quality-of-service during content playback.