What do Android TV and ABR streaming media bring to operators? #6


  • Android TV, Play Store, Set-top-box, Super Aggregator, TCO;
  • ABR, mABR, HLS, DASH, CMAF, DRM, CDN, Latency, CMCD, VMAF, Deep Caching, Open Caching, MEC;
  • DAI, CSAI, SSAI, Stream Stitching, Ad Inventory, CTV;
  • Hybrid Delivery, DVB-I, Operator App, Multiscreen, AI, EPG/Start-over/Catch-up.

Although Pay-TV operators don’t have a telecom network, they can easily go over-the-top by using any Internet access their subscribers have in their homes. The TV set-top-box may still receive broadcast television services, especially from direct-to-home satellite broadcasting (DTH), thus enabling a rich world of possibilities thanks to the Internet connection. Another benefit comes from a possible channel line-up split between broadcast and broadband. Most premium channels will stick to satellite delivery, while less popular channels and pop-up channels may be delivered exclusively over broadband, saving on satellite capacity costs. DVB-I is the new standard addressing this broadband+broadcast delivery for a hybrid TV device.

Operators can also provide an Operator App for Smart TV platforms (Samsung, LG, Android TV, etc.) already available in viewers’ homes. Virtualizing the set-top-box for specific market segments lets operators retain the physical TV set-top-box for most households.